za[zɑ:]n. 南非
za 南非;化妝品;姿芮;資生堂;ZA CLC 暗敷設在柱內;Za Num 陳正瑞;KIMBERLEY ZA 金伯利;za delimecu 硬搖滾;
1.As a wearable material, the application of series ZA alloy instead of bronze in construction machinery will yield great profit. ZA系列鋅鋁合金作為耐磨材料在工程機械中用以替代青銅合金具有很大的經濟效益。
2.Digestive Disease Branch of Chinese Medical Association. Consensus documents of chronic gastritis symposium. Zhonghua Xiao Hua Za Zhi. 2000; 20(3): 199 中華醫學會消化病學分會。全國慢性胃炎研討會共識意見。中華消化雜誌。2000;20(3):199
3.ZA Swinging Fibre, abopting HP Alumina. Silica Powder, Zirconia as the material, melted by Resistance Furnace, blowing or swinging, is produced by swinging technology. 含鋯型硅酸鋁耐火纖維棉,以高純氧化鋁硅石粉及鋯英沙合成為原料,經電阻爐熔融噴吹或甩絲成纖工藝生產而成。