gclabbr. 地面指揮飛機著陸(Ground Controlled Landing);[軍]地面控制截擊(Ground Controlled Interception)
GCL 膨潤土防水毯;膨潤土防水墊;供應膨潤土防水毯;防水毯;GCL Braves 新人聯盟;GCL - 政府優惠貸款;GCL government concessional loan 政府優惠貸款;政府優惠;GCL Great Circle 大圓圈,大圓航線;
1.Geo-synthetic Clay Liner (GCL) was proposed as the lower liner layer and its feasibility and advantages were presented. 重點論證膨潤土防水毯作為防滲墊層的技術可行性和優越性。
2.It is common that composite impervious layers of GM+GCL, which are superior to only GM or CCL, are used in solid waste landfills. 土工膜(GM)+壓實性粘土(CCL)的復合防滲層在固體廢物填埋場的防滲系統中已較為常用,它的防滲效果比單獨的GM或CCL要好得多;
3.Works closely with the Sales team, GCL Team, Ground Operations, Gateway and other functional departments or contacts to ensure that selected customers' needs are fulfilled. 與銷售,物流,地面作業,口岸及其他相關職能部門緊密合作以確保特定客戶的需求得以實現和滿足。