inasmuchadv. 因…的原因
inasmuch 因為;因□之故;因…之故;因...之故;inasmuch as 因為,由於;由於;因為,因為;由於...緣故;
1.And ye shall have no peace nor forgiveness of sin: and inasmuch as they delight themselves in their children. 你們將沒有平安,你們的罪也不會得到寬恕;他們不會因他們的子女而歡喜。
2.Bruning is compelled to tolerate the fascists and to patronize them inasmuch as he mortally fears the victory of the workers. 勃魯寧被迫容忍法西斯,並且還資助他們,那是因為他對工人的勝利感到由衷的恐懼。
3.They are right inasmuch as the collective female pain body is in large part due to male violence inflicted on women and repression of the female principle throughout the planet over millennia. 她們的」對「在於那個」集體女性痛苦體」(的產生)大部分要歸咎於數千年裡這個星球上男性對女性施加的暴力、以及女性原則受到的壓制。