phreatic[fri:'ætik]adj. 潛水的;井的
phreatic 井的;潛水的;蒸氣噴發的;潛水的 准火山的;phreatic water 地下水;潛水;不承壓地下水;飽和地下水;phreatic rise 地下水上升;phreatic decline 地下水位下降;泉面下降;phreatic nappe 潛水面;
1.In the seepage theory, the current expression of boundary condition on phreatic surface is aimed at a kind of seepage. 滲流理論中現有的潛水面邊界條件表達式是針對特定方向的一類潛水滲流問題而給出的。
2.To ensure the heightening engineering of tailing dam to successfully carry through, siphonic drainage system was adopted to lower the phreatic line in the dam. 為保證尾礦壩加高工程的順利實施,採用虹吸排滲系統來降低壩體內部的浸潤線高度。
3.The groundwater in Qian an County includes the pore phreatic water, the pore confined water of the Quaternary period and up Tertiary cranny pore confined water. 乾安縣地下水主要有第四系孔隙潛水、第四系孔隙承壓水、上第三系裂隙孔隙承壓水。