bugler['bju:ɡlə]n. 喇叭手
bugler 喇叭手;號手;司號;號手 公安;bugler trumpeter 喇叭手;吹鼓手;Song of Little Bugler 小號手之歌;Bugler's Holiday 號兵的節日;Bolderan the Bugler 號手波德蘭;
1.The smuggler shrugged to the bugler hugging the bug in the tugboat. 者對在拖船中擁抱臭蟲的號手聳聳肩。
2.Every face from Denisov down to the bugler showed about the lips and chin the same lines of conflict and nervous irritability and excitement. 從傑尼索夫到號手,在每個人的臉上,在嘴唇和下頦旁邊流露出一種內心鬥爭、興奮和激動的神情。
3.Mr. Maliki then laid a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier as an army bugler played to commemorate Iraqi troops that have died in the service of their country. 當軍隊號兵開始演奏紀念為國家犧牲的伊拉克部隊時,馬利基在陣亡的無名英雄的墓前安放了花圈。