monogram['mɔnəɡræm]n. 交織文字;將姓名的首字母組成的組合圖案vt. 把交織字母印繡刻於
monogram 文織字母;字母組合;拼合文字;交織字母;Monogram Suede 磨砂皮包;磨沙皮包包;Monogram Series 老花系列;Monogram MINI 小提花包;棉麻包;Monogram Eva 手提袋;
1.One says that Thomas Jefferson invented it, perhaps as a sort of monogram for TS. 一種說法是:它是由托馬斯?。傑弗遜發明的,為TS交織字母的標記。
2.He purchased a box of delicately coloured and scented writing paper in monogram , which he kept locked in one of the drawers. 他買了一盒子顏色雅致,上面有他姓名首字母的香水信紙,他把這些信紙鎖在辦公室的一個抽屜裡。
3.Personal logo or monogram Design a logo or monogram that incorporates your initials and place it next to your name in the header. 個人標識或是標記:設計一個標識或用名字起首字母組成的花押字,將其放在簡歷抬頭中你的姓名旁邊。