Pecoran. 有角下目;新反芻類
Pecora 有角下目;新反芻類;Pecora Commission 帕科勒委員會;Rostella di pecora 吉他搖滾;T Yellow pecora 車庫搖滾;Io vo errando come pecora smarrita 求你尋找你的僕人,因為我沒有忘記你的命令。;我像亡羊走迷了路;
1.This was named after Ferdinand Pecora, the chief lawyer on the Senate Banking Committee from 1933 to 193
4. 帕科勒委員會是以1933至1934年間的參議院銀行委員會的首席律師弗迪南德﹒帕科勒命名的。
2.The commission, chaired by Phil Angelides, the Democratic former treasurer of California, is unlikely to make as big a stir as Pecora's. 這個由民主黨前加州財長菲爾﹒安吉利迪斯擔任主席的委員會可能無法如同帕科勒當年那樣展開大刀闊斧的動作。
3.Though modelled on the body that investigated the attacks of September 11th 2001, the spiritual father of this venture is the Pecora Commission. 雖然該委員會是以調查2001年911襲擊時的組織形式來構建的,但其始祖卻是帕科勒委員會。