reconcilementn. 調停;一致
reconcilement 調停;調節,調整;surplus reconcilement 盈餘調節;surplus reconcilement statement 盈餘調節表;
1.Interface between customers GUPT on der fulfillment, ac reconcilement, quality audit, specific product development business model recommendations. 作為客戶和公司的窗口,滿足客戶的需求,付款處理,質量審核,特殊產品開發和合作模式推薦。
2.My reconcilement to the kind in general might not be so difficult, if they would be content with those vices and follies only which nature has entitled them to. 如果「野猢」這個種族滿足於大自然賦予他們的那些罪惡與愚蠢,我同它們的和解就不會太困難。
3.Interface between customers and GUPT on order fulfillment, account reconcilement, quality audit, specific product development and business model recommendations. 作為客戶和公司的窗口,滿足客戶的需求,付款處理,質量審核,特殊產品開發和合作模式推薦。