sickroom['sikru(:)m]n. 病房
sickroom supply 釋義:病房用品;Advanced case sickroom 重症病房;sick berth sickroom ward 病房;
1.Personnel dress heat resistance is large in SARS sickroom, traditional air conditioning parameters can't content the thermal comfort. SARS病房內醫護人員的服裝熱阻偏大,傳統的空調參數不能滿足醫護人員的熱舒適性要求。
2.Especially in sickroom building which is fundamental ingredient in hospital and the patient stays for a longest time in the department. 尤其是病房樓建築,它是醫院建築中最基本的組成部分,是患者在醫院中滯留時間最長的一個場所。
3.Methods Sterilizing the bums sickroom, cure room and surgery by different disinfection method, then measuring the disinfection effect of it's air and object surfaces. 方法對燒傷病房、治療室、換藥室採取不同方法進行消毒,消毒前後對其空氣及物體表面採集樣本進行菌落計數及細菌培養,並對消毒效果進行分析、評價。