dedicatory['dedikətəri]adj. 獻納的;奉獻的
dedicatory 奉獻的;獻呈的;奉獻;獻納的;dedicatory inscription 銘文 文康體育;銘文;Dedicatory Prayer 奉獻祈禱文;consecratory dedicatory oblatory votive 奉獻的;
1.Mickey Mangun and another Pentecostal friend, Janice Sjostrand, sang at the dedicatory church service at my first inauguration and brought the house down. 米琪。曼根和另外一個在聖靈降臨節上認識的朋友賈尼斯。捨斯特蘭德,在我第一次就職總統的教堂禮拜儀式上演唱,全場都為之震動。
2.To ever is Chuzhou's atomic energy make dedicatory all previous sessions old leader, leave, retire old comrade, old science and technology's personnel express sincere respect! 向曾經為滁州市原子能所做出貢獻的歷屆老領導,離、退休老同志、老科技人員表示誠摯的敬意!
3.As the chief power to do students work at college, counsellors should grasp time characters to do self location and culture competitive spirit, dedicatory spirit and innovative spirit. 輔導員作為高校從事學生工作的骨幹力量,要緊緊把握時代特徵,準確進行自我角色定位,培養競爭意識、奉獻意識和創新意識。