kalpa['kɑ:lpə]n. (梵語)劫(古印度傳說世界經歷若干萬年毀滅一次,重新再生,這一週期為一劫)
Kalpa 劫波;梵劫;劫簸;劫 (很長的時間);Sarasvata kalpa 薩茹阿斯瓦塔·卡勒帕;Kalpa Dave 佈景師卡爾帕·戴夫;Kalpa-sutra 劫波經;Kalpa the sigh of omen 天地劫 神魔至尊傳;
1.Sri Narada developed this spiritual consciousness even when he had his material body in the previous kalpa. 拿拉達在上一個創造週期裡,當他還擁有他的物質軀體時,就培養了這一靈性知覺。
2.The avatar symbolizes the resurrection of the earth from a pralaya (deluge) and the establishment of a new kalpa (cycle), and can thus be considered to constitute a creation myth. 這個化身象徵著大地從大洪水中復甦起來,確立一個新的時期(循環週期),從而可以被看作是一個創世神話的組成部分。
3.The source, now long retired, with great-grandchildren playing around him, was unexpectedly informed one night by another retired agent of the CIA that the Kalpa Vigraha was "missing". 這個知情人,早就從CIA退休,如今已是兒孫滿堂,當時正在和自己的曾孫子們一起玩耍。這天晚上,他當年的CIA同事打長途電話告訴他,那個「劫生」銅像已經不知落在何處了。