





mine jumbo mine rig 礦用鑽車;mine jumbo mine rig 礦用鑽車;Research and Analysis on Law of the Presentation of the Mine Pressure with Sub-level Caving Mining Working Face in Bao Yu Shan Coal Mine 寶雨山礦放頂煤工作面礦山壓力顯現規律研究與分析;mine abandonment 礦井報廢;actuated mine 待發地雷;


1.The gas grade appraising in the coal mine is a main approach to estimate whether a coal mine is a low or high gas mine, or coal &gas outburst one, and to prevent gas explosion and mine firing. 礦井瓦斯等級鑒定是確定煤礦屬於低瓦斯礦井、高瓦斯礦井還是煤與瓦斯突出礦井以及預防煤礦瓦斯爆炸危險和礦井自然發火危險等的一個重要手段。

2.The mine shaft sinking with a mine shaft drilling is a reliable mine shaft construction method to pass through a deep and thick alluvium. 鑽井法鑿井是通過深厚沖積層最可靠的豎井施工方法。

3.Rare earth original mine, final mine, tailing mine and scoria were formed in the course of produce and letting. 稀土在生產和排放過程中形成的原礦、精礦、尾礦和礦渣都含有一定量的汞、鉛和釷。

4.Magnesium mine, salt mine, Bromine mine, Piezoelectric Crystal. 鎂礦,鹽礦,溴礦,壓電水晶,鑄石用玄武岩。

5.To meet the structure and launch requirements of deep autonomous attack mine, a technique of uncapping system of box ring-like pressure mine girder for sail mine is presented. 大深度自主攻擊水雷技術代表著現代水雷發展的必然趨勢,為了適應這類水雷結構特點和發射要求,提出了一種航行雷箱體環形壓雷梁開蓋系統技術。


No. Mine is blue. - 不是。我的是藍的。

I'm writing to a friend of mine in South American. - 我在寫信給一個美國南部的朋友。

I went to visit an uncle of mine in San Francisco. - 我去舊金山看望一個叔叔。

His watch may be more expensive but mine tells the time better! - 他的手錶可能更貴些,但是我的表的時間要準確些。

Maybe mine is the bigger. - 我的或許更大些。

A useful trade is a mine of gold. - 一樣有用的手藝是取之不盡的財富。

So much is mine as I enjoy. - 我所有的就如我享有的這麼多。

It happened to a friend of mine a year ago. - 這是一年前發生在我的一個朋友身上的故事。

Six men have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hours. - 6個人被困在礦井裡已有17個小時了。

If explosives are used, vibrations will cause the roof of the mine to collapse. - 如果用炸藥爆破,震動會引起礦頂塌落。

Meanwhile, a microphone, which was lowered into the mine two hours ago, has enabled the men to keep in touch with their closest relatives. - 與此同時,兩個小時以前放下井去的一隻麥克風使井下的人可以與其親屬保持聯繫。

His roots and mine bad become too firmly embedded in the new land. - 因為他與我一樣已經把根深深地紮在異國的土地上。

But mine are better than yours. Look! Yours are green, and quite small. - 但我的比你的好。瞧!你的是青的,而且很小。

Morning! I'm sorry to trouble you. Could I borrow a pan, please? Mine has just broken. - 早上好!對不起,打擾您了。我想借您的平底鍋,可以嗎?我的剛剛打碎了。

I ask for what is mine by law! - 我要求得到根據法律屬於我的東西。


n. reinforce bedded mine roof - 加強床礦頂

n. post mine surface - 台礦表面

n. abandoned mine site - 報廢礦山

n. open pit mine slope - 敞礦斜度

n. coal mine lighting - 煤放照明

n. coal mine site - 煤礦位置

coal mine safety regulation - 煤礦保安規程

n. coal mine soil - 煤礦土

n. coal mine safety - 煤礦安全

n. coal mine development - 煤礦開發

n. coal mine spoil - 煤礦損壞

n. coal mine operator - 煤礦操作工

n. coal mine sedimentation pond - 煤礦沉澱池

n. coal mine waste - 煤礦浪費

n. coal mine design and planning - 煤礦設計與計劃

n. coal mine roof - 煤礦頂

n. mine air - 礦井空氣

n. mine air cooling - 礦井空氣冷卻

n. mine timbering - 礦伐

n. mine conveying - 礦傳送

n. mine cooling - 礦冷卻

n. mine preparing - 礦準備

n. mine hygiene - 礦衛生

n. mine development - 礦發展

n. mine safety in underground - 礦地下安全

n. mine safety - 礦安全

n. mine safety laws and regulations - 礦安全法則

n. mine tailing - 礦尾料

n. mine tailing impondment - 礦尾料沉積

n. Mine Safety and Health Administration,MSHA - 礦山安全健康管理局

n. Regional Mine Safety and Inspection Bureau - 礦山安全監督局

n. Regional Mine Safety and Inspection Department - 礦山安全監督部

mine wastewater - 礦山廢水

mine rescue - 礦山救護

mine pollution - 礦山污染

n. mine working - 礦工作

n. mine engineering - 礦工程

n. mine construction - 礦建築

n. mine concession - 礦開採權

n. mine property - 礦性質

n. mine hoist - 礦拖拉

n. mine haulage machine - 礦拖曳機

n. mine drainage - 礦排放

n. mine operator - 礦操作工

n. mine rescue crew - 礦救護組

n. mine tub - 礦桶

n. mine examination - 礦檢查

n. mine model - 礦模範

n. mine meteorological factor - 礦氣象因素

mineral water; n. mine water - 礦水


n.煤礦 - coal mine

n.煤礦保安規程 - coal mine safety regulation

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