oidabbr. 對像標識(Object Identifier);Oracle因特網目錄(Oracle Internet Directory);原始發行折價(Original Issue Discount);組織創新與部署(Organizational Innovation and Deployment)
OID 對像標識符;對像標識;Oracle Internet Directory;奧埃狄;OID OfficeofInternationalCommunicationsPolicy 國際通信政策局(美國);earthelli oid 地球橢圓體;OId MacDonald 王老先生有塊地;momentelli oid 慣量橢球;
1.An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in while an pessimist stays up to make sure the oid years leaves . 樂觀者等到深夜為的是看到新年的開始,而悲觀者等到深夜只是想證實舊年的逝去。
2.Get next to an object, next to a sofa, next to a large bulky object that will compress slightly but leave a oid next to it. 靠近一個物體,一個沙發,或一個大件,它僅受到了略微的擠壓,但在靠著它旁邊的地方留下了一個空間。
3.If you are in bed during the night and an earthquake occurs, simply roll off the bed. A safe oid will exist around the bed. 如果晚上生發了**,而你正在床上。你只要簡單地滾下床。在床的周圍會形成一個安全的空間。