retain varying portions of profit over and above the assigned profit norm 超額利潤分成,超額利潤留成;Profit by Timing Marketing border Lag Profit Marketing 整時銷售」 與「晚盈利」;bona-fide non-profit-making organisation 真正非牟利團體 文康體育;Regulations Governing the Restriction on the Persons or Representatives of Profit-Making-Enterprise Defaulting on Tax Payments to Apply for Exit Permit 限制欠稅人或欠稅營利事業負責人出境辦法;non-profit making 不賺錢的;非牟利 工業貿易;非營利性;
1.Promoting management efficiency is always a big concern either to profit-making or non-profit-making organizations. 一個組織,不論其為營利還是非營利,都希望組織的運作具有效率。
2.Analyses about VC show that VC can monopolize the market to a certain extent by making innovation , meanwhile get Windfall Profit with high risk in the process of making innovation. 對風險投資的微觀經濟分析表明,風險投資是通過創新改變生產函數或消費函數,從而獲得某種程度的壟斷以獲得超額利潤,同時在創新的過程中由於高風險的存在而獲得風險回報。
3.Receipts, costs and the composition of profit shall be grouped and itemized in the profit statement. 利潤表應當按照各項收入、費用以及構成利潤的各個項目分類分項列示。
4.The plan is broad way of investment but profit growth in prosperous economy induce investors to sell stock for gaining profit. Consequently they diverge from the way of long-term investment. 養羊計劃是一條投資大道,可是在景氣時大筆快速的利潤累積,足以誘使信心不足者早日獲利了結,以至於最終偏離了長期投資的原則。
5.It has been suggested that some quick printing shop membership card after processing by profit accounted for quick printing shop total profit of 70%. 有人指出,有些快印店會員卡製作後加工所贏取的利潤占快印店總利潤的70%左右。