Taurusn. 金牛座;[占星術]金牛宮
Taurus 金牛座;托羅斯山脈;金牛宮,金牛(星)座;金牛;Taurus Mountains 托羅斯山脈;正對海畔的金牛座山;魯斯山;constellation Taurus 金 牛 座;Onthophagus Taurus 一種食糞金龜;Taurus Poniatovii 小牛星座;
1.We are seven sisters, twinkling all in one, above the back of Taurus. 我們是七姐妹,閃耀著瞬間合為一體,位於金牛座下部。
2.Taurus: A bouquet of dandelions, dime store chocolates and dinner at a fast food restaurant? Relax, it was just a bad dream! 金牛座:難道僅僅是一束蒲公英,廉價巧克力或者快餐店的一頓晚餐嗎?放鬆點,這只不過是個惡夢。
3.Then in 2011, you move forward with passion, tenacity, and incredible personal power that will carry through for the next couple of years as Jupiter blesses Aries and then Taurus and your finances. 然後在2011年,你前進的熱情,堅韌性和令人難以置信的個人權力,將繼續在未來兩年通過諸如木星祝福白羊座金牛座,然後和你的財政狀況。