closed-end['kləuzd'end]adj. 資本額固定的;閉鎖式的
Closed-end 閉端基金;閉鎖式的;資本額固定的;closed-end fund 封閉式基金;封閉型基金;封閉式基金來源:考試大;封閉基金;Closed-end questions 封閉式問題;closed-end tube 包端管;Closed-end questionnaire 封閉式問卷;
1.Based on China's capital market data, this paper had done empirical researches about closed-end fund puzzle in rationality analysis framework. 本文基於中國資本市場的數據對有限理性框架下的封閉式基金折價之謎進行了實證檢驗。
2."Closed-end management, teaching open, three-dimensional human genesis. " Ying Wa today are trying to move into eastern Guangdong Min Xiao quality strides toward the goal. 實行「封閉式管理、開放式教學、立體化育人」。今日之英華正努力朝著辦成粵東優質民校目標闊步邁進。
3.The adoption of closed-end roller short inking system of monlchamus road, you can quantify to provide a stable printing inks, inking performance is significantly improved. 採用封閉式網紋輥短墨路輸墨系統,可定量地為印版提供穩定的油墨,輸墨性能得到明顯改善。