Genghis khan Jenghis Khan 成吉思汗;Genghis khan Jenghis Khan 成吉思汗;Agha Khan 阿迦汗;Agha Khan Mausoleum 阿嘎可汗王陵;Cynthia Khan 楊麗菁;楊麗青;
1.Yuan of the Mongols. Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan. 元朝是蒙古人建立的。成吉斯汗和忽必烈。
2.Yuan of the Mongols. Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan. 元朝是蒙古人建立的。成吉斯汗和忽必烈。
3.Genghis Khan, whose name means "Universal Ruler, "conquered as much for the sheer fun of it as for the spoils. He rode ahorse and slept in a tent. 成吉思汗,他的名字代表的含義就是「世界統治者」,大部分的征服只是為了個人愛好中純粹的樂趣,他騎在馬上和睡在帳篷裡。
4.Detoxification reaction: Eye secretions (gum) increased, urine, stool color depth, Khan, yellow, and rash. 排毒反應:眼部分泌物(眼屎)增多、尿黃、大便色深、汗黃、出疹等。
5.A popular and official movement to reassess Genghis Khan's marauding image is being marshaled by admirers who say he was a truly great, if irascible, ruler. 成吉思汗原本的形象接近土匪強盜,現在官方和大眾都在重新評估這個形象。仰慕他的人說他雖然也許暴躁易怒,卻是真正偉大的君王。