LWabbr. 低潮(low water);左翼(Left Wing);長波(Long Wave)
LW 線寬管理;長波;輕型;低潮;LW LWEIGHT 線寬;線寬設置;LW LWEIGHT 線寬設定;LW Series 輪式裝載機;Wang LW 王立為;
1.I ha ve a lw a ys tried my best to keep fit for my work. 為了我的工作,我總是千方百計地保持健康。
2.From day 3 the liver weight/body weight (LW/BW) began decrease (P<0. 05), and maintained a constant after 20 days of starvation (P>0. 05). 飢餓對大口黑鱸消化道指數的影響為肝體比從試驗的第3天開始明顯下降(P<0。05),第20天開始保持穩定水平(P>0。05);
3.The basement of hinterland in Junggar basin is composed of a series of blocks with the LW and SN lines crossing each other, anti the secondary swells are formed at tire apical corners. 腹部基底由東西向與南北向構造線相互交切而成的一系列塊體組成,次一級凸起大都形成於這些塊體的頂角區。