raidsabbr. 空中入侵雷達探測系統(Radar Airborne Intrusion Detection System);大氣層及電離層遙距探測系統(Remote Atmospheric and Ionospheric Detection System);收入銳減綜合症(Recently Acquired Income Deficiency Syndrome);反艦導彈快速整體防禦系統(Rapid Antiship Missile Integrated Defense System)
raids 搶劫;搜捕;突擊;磁盤陣列;bear raids 空頭襲擊;bear-raids 熊市襲擊;Linear Guide Raids 直線導軌;Raids extinguishes the day 襲擊熄滅天(還好不是襲擊善法天,梵天,棄天= =);
1.Local Iraqis said at least 13 civilians were killed in the raids. 當地的伊拉克人說,至少有13個平民在襲擊中死亡。
2.They defended it against both French and Spanish forces , and against raids by Yamasee Indians and by pirates. 保衛城市免遭法國和西班牙的武力以及雅馬西印地安人和海盜的襲擊。
3.Around that time 500 to 700 planes were involved in raids over Germany, a reprisal for earlier nightly operations over London by German bombers. 那個時候,大概有500到700架飛機參加了對德的襲擊行動--這是作為此前德國某次夜襲倫敦的報復。
They lived well, on the proceeds of raids on neighbouring regions. - 他們靠掠奪附近的地區的財物過著舒適的生活。