TAEabbr. 教學質量評估(Teaching Assessment Exercise);全部預測支出(Total Anticipated Expenditures );測試接入設備(Test Access Equipment)
TAE transcatheter arterial embolization;教學質量評估;Tae Yean 少年時代 泰妍;Hashimoto Tae 橋本名惠;TAE typewriter 打字機;Tae Kimura 木村多江;
1.Tae kwon do remains Taiwan's strongest sport in the Olympics. 跆拳道依舊是台灣在奧運最看好的運動項目。
2.If you have received tais message in error, please destroy tae message or delete it from your system immediately and notify tae sender. 如閣下錯誤地收到本郵件,請立即將之銷毀或從閣下的系統中刪除,並通知寄件人。
3.Lee Seong-tae, governor of South Korea's central bank, warned lawmakers this week it remains what the impact of the global crisis will be. 韓國中央銀行行長李成太這個星期警告國會議員說,全球經濟危機究竟會帶來什麼樣的影響還有待觀察。