fishtail die 魚尾形模具;魚尾形模具 國際模具網;魚尾形模具 國際模具網;魚尾形模具 -------[光年網原創;Fishtail 魚尾形;魚尾;魚尾狀的;魚尾式;fishtail bit 魚尾鑽頭;dophin fishtail 海豚泳;Schilling Fishtail 西林舵;
1.fishtail palm of India to Malay Peninsula; sap yields a brown sugar (jaggery) and trunk pith yields sago. 印度到馬來半島出產的魚尾狀棕櫚,;樹汁出產一種紅糖(棕櫚粗),樹幹的木髓出產西谷米。
2.That same year, oil was discovered in the area, and oil men soon began bringing their crude fishtail bits to Smith's shop for sharpening. 在那年,石油在一些地區被人們所發現,很多石油工人帶著他們粗糙的工具來到史密斯的店中要求加工。
3.But unlike the movie, the Andersen tale has no singing crab and, worse, the mermaid's Faustian bargain to trade her fishtail for legs doesn't quite work out as planned. 但與電影不同的是,在安徒生的童話中沒有會唱歌的螃蟹,而且更糟糕的是,小美人魚用魚尾換人腿的浮士德式交易最終並未取得計劃中的成功。
4.Flies high the volley shot, the scorpion to fishtail and to push shoots dead the angle, he already completely adapted Group A. 凌空抽射、蠍子擺尾和推射死角,他已經完全適應西甲。
5.fishtail palm of India to Malay Peninsula; sap yields a brown sugar (jaggery) and trunk pith yields sago. 印度到馬來半島出產的魚尾狀棕櫚,;樹汁出產一種紅糖(棕櫚粗),樹幹的木髓出產西谷米。