Serbia Kosovo 塞爾維亞 科索沃;Serbia Kosovo 塞爾維亞 科索沃;KOSOVO CAMPAIGN MEDAL 科索沃戰爭勳章;Kosovo National Anthem 科索沃國歌;
1.Then Serb refugees from Kosovo smashed the windows of the bakery in a spate of anger, on the eve of Kosovo's declaration of independence from Serbia. 那時候從科索沃來的塞爾維亞難民在盛怒下砸碎了麵包店的窗戶,就在科索沃宣佈自塞爾維亞獨立的前夕。
2.President Bush has responded affirmatively to a request from Kosovo to establish diplomatic relations between our two countries. 布什總統已經同意了科索沃關於美科兩國建立外交關係的請求。
3.But for many people in Serbia the idea of Kosovo slipping formally away into independent statehood remains an anathema. 但是對塞爾維亞的許多人而言,科索沃悄悄地正式走向獨立依然令人憎惡。
4.Hundreds of Serbs have set fire to the American embassy in Belgrade as they vented their outrage at the West's support for Kosovo's independence. 幾百名塞爾維亞人在貝爾格萊德的美國大使館放火,以發洩他們對西方國家支持科索沃的獨立的憤怒情緒。
5.In 1999, … Bennett was a retired Army lieutenant colonel working at the CIA on contract as a targeter during the 78-day NATO air war on Kosovo. 1999年,退休的陸軍中校班尼特給CIA當合同工,在為期78天的北約科索沃空戰中當目標設置員…