n. sannyasi ,sanyasi
Sannyasin 門徒;dasnami sannyasin 商羯羅遁世派;
1.In March 1976 a Dutch sannyasin, Ma Vipassana, dies from a brain tumour. 在1976年3月,一位荷蘭的桑雅生維帕莎娜——因腦瘤而死。
2.An elderly sannyasin says:…I was never really a child when I was one, but these last few days, I often feel like a little child… and I want to tease everybody. 一個上了年紀的信徒說:…當我還是個孩子的時候我從來都沒體會過怎樣才是一個孩子,但是最近我經常會覺得我像一個孩子,…我想戲弄其他的人。
3."You have become a sannyasin. Now it is a responsibility on you to fulfill the commitment of sannyas – and that is meditation. Without meditation there is no sannyas. " Osho. 你成為一個門徒了。現在,你有責任去完成一個門徒的承諾──那就是靜心。