yardsn. 碼數(yard複數形式)
yards 帆桁;碼數;桅黃桿;礦場設備存放場;cubic yards 立方碼;立方英碼;Aker Yards 阿克爾船廠;挪威阿克船廠;bank yards 未擾動土石方量(以立方碼計);Square Yards 平方碼;
1.It landed in a shallow basin fifty yards from the planetarium. 它降落在離天文館五十碼處的一個淺盆地中。
2.Local newspapers are using the site to determine how much stimulus spending has landed in their own back yards. 地方報紙正利用這個網站來確定花費在他們自己地區的經濟刺激開支有多少。
3.A hundred yards on either side of that route, the old filth, illness, overcrowding, and starvation will prevail . 在那條路線兩旁一百碼以外,過去的污穢,疾病,擁擠和飢餓將照樣猖獗。
How many yards are you going to get? - 你要取幾碼?
Meanwhile, they should encourage those among us who cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for air. - 與此同時,他們對我們中的那些游不了5碼就已喘不過氣來的人應該是種鼓舞。
The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. - 搜尋美洲獅的工作是從一座小村莊開始的。那裡的一位婦女在採摘黑莓時的看見「一隻大貓」,離她僅5碼遠,
It's about four hundred yards down this street. - 城堡就在這條街上,(離這兒)400碼左右。
It's about 400 yards from here. - 離這兒大約有400碼。