Founding Fathers 國父們;建國之父;開國元勳;速度金屬;founding 鑄造;澄清;熔解;鑄造 熔解;Founding Fathers 國父們;建國之父;開國元勳;速度金屬;founding home 棄兒收養所;Second Founding 立的戰團;
1.It is unified between founding harmonious society and moulding ideal personality, moulding ideal personality is the soul and power of founding a harmonious society. 和諧社會的構建與理想人格的塑造是統一的,理想人格的塑造是和諧社會構建的靈魂和動力。
2.Liquor calls arrack, fast food wine before, liquor of a general designation after founding a state, white dry wine. 白酒以前叫燒酒、高糧酒,建國後統稱白酒、白干酒。
3.His accomplishments included founding the University of Pennsylvania, performing important experiments with electricity, and inventing bifocals, the lightning rod, and the Franklin stove. 他的業績包括創建賓夕法尼亞大學,進行電實驗,發明了雙光眼鏡、避雷針、富蘭克林壁爐式暖爐。
4.Today, we honor a biographer of our Founding Fathers and a scholar of modern urban life, a radio host in Chicago, and an author of literature for young people. 今天,我們在芝加哥尊敬我們的創立人和現代都市生活的學者的傳記作者,一個無線電主人和文學的作者青年人的。
5.Mengzhuren office manager of the company said that since the founding of the company's blatant assault, both companies are very angry and feel suddenly. 該公司經理辦公室孟主任稱,自從知道中創公司公然毆打記者後,公司上下都十分氣憤而且感到突然。