





n. heat energy ,high temperature ,passion ,warmthv. fire up ,heat up ,hot up ,ignite


n. anestrum ,anestrus ,cold ,coldnessv. chill ,cool ,cool down


heat[hi:t]n. 高溫;壓力;熱度;熱烈vt. 使激動;把…加熱


Heat 盜火線;熱火;加熱;熱,熱量,加熱,熱學;Heat Transfer 傳熱學;熱傳遞;傳熱;熱量傳遞;heat sink 散熱器;散熱板;散熱片;熱壑;heat dissipation 熱傳;散熱;熱耗散;熱發散;heat loss 熱損失;耗熱量;熱損耗,失熱;熱(量)損失;


1.We were heated up after running for about one hour. 跑了近一個小時,我們渾身都發熱了。

2.Since the bag is black, it absorbs heat from the sun. 因為袋子是黑色的,它會吸收來自太陽的熱量。

3.Until that time, "good" heat treating is what we need. 直到那時,「好的」熱處理才是我們所需要的。


You'd better heat the dishes for a whild. Cold food isn't good for your stomach. - 你最好是把菜溫一溫再吃,涼的食物對胃不好。

He adjusted very quickly to the heat of the country. - 他很快適應了這個國家的高溫。

The doctor said it's just a litter heat rash, There's nothing to worry about. - 醫生說只是出疹子,不需要擔心。

Our own warm atmosphere and the heat generated by the telescope would make it impossible to detect objects as small as planets. - 地球周圍溫暖的大氣層和望遠鏡散出的熱量使得我們根本不可能找到比行星更小的物體。

In a heat wave we choose a midnight birthday party and that is the most exciting of all. - 天氣炎熱時,我們便選擇在半夜舉辦生日聚會,這種聚會是最令人激動的。

Some of this heat near the earth's surfact is used to make electricity. - 靠近地表的一部分熱量已被用來發電。


n. three-D heat treatment - 三D熱處理

heat in tri-jiao of excess type - 三產熱

heat in tri-jiao of excess type - 三焦實熱

n. three-dimensions heat treatment - 三維熱處理

cold in the upper and heat in the lower - 上寒下熱

heat in the upper and cold in the lower - 上熱下寒

heat labile; heatlabile; thermolabiel; thermolabile - 不耐熱的

heat of neutralization; neutralization heat - 中和熱

heat apoplexy; heatstroke; heliosis; sunstroke; ?heat apoolexy - 中暑

heat prostration; heatprostration - 中暑虛脫

heat exhaustion; heat prostration; heatprostration - 中暑衰竭

heat hyperpyrexia - 中暑過高熱

calenture; heatstroke or sunstroke; n. heat stroke - 中署

n. heat of transport - 交換熱

heat production; thermogenesis - 產熱

heat producing center; thermogenic center - 產熱中樞

heat production organ - 產熱器管

quantity of heat production - 產熱量

latent heat in the interior - 伏熱在裡

heat transfer - 傳熱

heat transfer medium; heat-transfer medium - 傳熱介質

heat transfer coefficent - 傳熱係數

n. heat of transport - 傳輸熱

body heat regulation; homoiothermism - 體溫調節

heat regualatingcenter; heatregualatingcenter; thermoregulatory center; thermotaxic center - 體溫調節中樞

n. blue heat working - 低濕熱加工

n. low heat input welding - 低熱輸入焊

heat centers - 體溫中樞

n. customary heat treatment - 例行熱處理

heat preservation - 保溫

n. heat reserving block - 保溫區

partial molal heat content - 偏克分子熱函

heat reservoir - 儲熱器

molar heat of vaporization - 克分子汽化熱

molal heatcontent; molecular heat capacity - 克分子熱函

molal heat capacity - 克分子熱容

molar heat capacity - 克分子熱容量

n. immunization heat treatment - 免疫熱處理

n. blue heat working - 蘭熱加工

endogenous heat gain - 內原性獲熱

affection caused by summer-heat; heat stroke; heatstroke - 冒暑

heat of dilution - 沖淡熱

cold type and heat type malnutrition - 冷熱疳

net caloric value; net calorific value; net heat power - 淨熱值

removing heat fom the blood; removing heat from the blood - 涼血

cool the blood and stop bleeding; removing heat from the blood to stop bleeding - 涼血止血

drugs used to remove heat from the blood - 涼血藥

molecular heat capacity - 分了熱函

molecular heat capacity - 分子熱容

heat block - 加熱塊


n.吸收熱 - absorbed heat

n.吸熱 - absorption of heat

n.瘀熱 - accumulated evil heat

n.結胸,氣實結胸 - accumulation of heat in the chest

n.熱邪內結 - accumulation of heat in the interior

n.熱結膀胱 - accumulation of heat in the urinary bladder

n.痰熱阻肺 - accumulation of phlegm and heat in the lung

n.活化熱 - activation heat

n.吸附熱 - adsorption heat

n.吸附熱檢測器 - adsorption heat detector

n.陽盛則熱 - an excess of yang brings about heat syndrome

n.熱痺 - arthritis of heat type

n.熱哮 - asthma of heat type

n.平均熱輻射強度 - average heat radiation intensity

n.熱入心包 - attack of pericardum by heat

n.熱入心包 - attak of xue system by heat

n.惡熱 - aversion to heat

n.血熱 - blood heat

n.體熱 - bodily heat

體熱 - body heat

n.體溫調節 - body heat regulation

n.灼熱感 - burning heat sensation

n.熱量交換計算 - calculating of heat exchange

n.熄風清熱 - calming the endopathic wind and removing heat

n.化學性產熱 - chemical heat production

n.熱膨脹係數 - coefficient of expansion due to heat

n.導熱係數 - coefficient of heat conductivity

n.清熱導滯 - clear away heat and resolve the stagnation

n.氣營兩清 - clear away the heat from both qi and yijn systems

n.清熱化濕 - clearing away heat and eliminating dampness

n.清熱排膿 - clearing away heat and eliminating pus

n.清熱通便 - clearing away heat and loosing the bowels

n.清熱生津 - clearing away heat and promoting salivation

n.清熱導滯 - clearing away heat and resolving stagnation

n.清熱解毒 - clearing away heat and toxic material

n.清熱止血 - clearing away heat to stop bleeding

n.清熱止瀉 - clearing away heat to stop diarrhea

n.清熱解暑 - clearing away summer heat

n.氣營兩清 - clearing away the heat from both qi and ying

n.清裡,清裡洩熱 - clearing out the interior heat

n.清熱止嘔 - clering away heat to stop vomiting

n.寒熱 - cold and heat

n.本寒標熱 - cold in origin and heat in superficiality

n.上寒下熱 - cold in the upper and heat in the lower

n.熱厥 - cold limbs due to excess of heat

n.冷熱疳 - cold type and heat type malnutrition

n.熱結下焦 - collection of heat in the lower-jiao

n.燃燒熱 - combustion heat

n.化合熱 - combining heat

n.傳導熱 - conductive heat


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