antietamn. 安蒂特姆河(美國河流名)
Antietam 國安鐵頓;戰役;安提塔姆戰役;安提坦戰役;Battle of Antietam 安提耶坦之戰;但英兩國在安提耶坦戰役;安提耶坦之役;Sid Meiers Antietam 席德梅爾之愛丁堡之戰升級檔;
1.I would first go get some researched information on Antietam. 首先,我要收集資料,並下工夫研究一下「安提頓戰役」;
2.During the battle of Antietam in 1862, he ordered his troops to cross the Potomac River in order to engage the Confederate forces in battle. 一八六二年安蒂特姆之役,他命令部隊渡過波多馬克河和南軍交戰。
3.One of the stragglers later returned to his regiment. When asked by his commanding officer to explain his absence from the battle of Antietam, he replied, "I had no shoes." 一個掉隊的士兵後來回到軍團,司令官問他為什麼沒有參加安蒂特姆之役。