





v. blackball ,vetoa. damaging ,disconfirming ,electronegative ,minus


n. affirmativea. affirmative ,confirming ,electroneutral ,neutral


negative['neɡətiv]adj. 負的;消極的;否定的;陰性的n. 否定;負數;底片vt. 否定;拒絕


negative 負片;底片;負的,相反的;負的;negative factor 負因素;不利因素;利淡因素;負[反饋]係數;negative electricity 陰電,負電;負電;陰電;帶負電;photographic negative 照相底片;照相負片,照相底片;陰圖片;底片;negative vector 負矢量;負向量;負向量;負向;


1.She did negative your conduct. 她確實不贊成你的所作所為。

2.How would this solution differ if the lower charge were negative? 倘若下面的電荷是負的,那麼結果有什麼不同?

3.The metaphors of darkness are overwhelmingly negative: danger, decay, and death. 黑暗毫無疑問是消極的象徵:危險、衰敗、和死亡。


false negative reaction - 假陰性反應

incyclophoria; minus cyclophoria; negative cycophoria - 內旋轉斜視

incyclophoria; minus cyclophoria; negative cycophoria - 內旋轉隱斜視

indiaind negative stain - 印度墨汁負染色法

n. negative hardening - 反向淬火

negative peak - 反峰

reaction negative absoption positive - 反應陰性吸收陽性

reaction negative absorption positive - 反應陰性呼收陽性

negative torsion - 反扭轉

cytoxicity negative absorption positive - 吸收陽性

negative film - 底片

continuous negative pressure suction - 持續負壓吸引

postimperative negative variation - 指令信號後負變化

negative membrane immunoglobulin lymphocyte - 無膜表面免疫球蛋白淋巴細胞

positive negative pressure breathing; positive-negative pressure respiration - 正負壓呼吸

positive negative pressure ventilation - 正負壓通氣

negative log of hydrogen ion; negativelogofhydrogenion - 氫離子濃度的負對數

negative nitrogen balance - 氮負平衡

negative eugenics - 消極優生學

negative infanticide - 消極殺嬰

negative practice - 消退性實踐法

intracellular negative potential - 細胞內負電壓

cytoxicity negative absorption positive - 細胞毒性陰性

cytotoxicity negative absorption positive - 細胞毒性陰性吸收陽性

negative phototropism - 背光性

apheliotropism; negative heliotriopism - 背日性

negative intrapleural pressure; subatmospheric interpleural pressure - 胸膜腔負壓

negative protein balance - 蛋白質負平衡

negative accommodation - 視遠調節

negative pi-meson radiation therapy - 負介子放射治療

negative value - 負值

negative bias - 負偏壓

negative deviation - 負偏差

negative skewness - 負偏態

negative catalyst - 負催化劑

negative work - 負功

negative acceleration - 負加速度

negative cooperativity - 負協同

negative pressure - 負壓

negative pressure - 負壓力

negative pressure breathing - 負壓呼吸

exsufficlation with negative pressure - 負壓強制呼氣法

negative pressure control bottle - 負壓調節瓶

negative birefringence - 負雙折射

ereverse feedback; negative feedback - 負反饋

negative sign - 負號

negative after-potential - 負後電位

negative after-image - 負後像

negative tropism - 負向性

negative adso-drtion - 負吸咐


n.染色質陰性的 - chromatin negative

視當時情況而定的負變化,期望電勢 - contingent negative variation

n.持續負壓吸引 - continuous negative pressure suction

n.細胞毒性陰性吸收陽性 - cytotoxicity negative absorption positive

n.吸收陽性,細胞毒性陰性 - cytoxicity negative absorption positive

n.負壓強制呼氣法 - exsufficlation with negative pressure

n.假陰性 - false negative

n.假陰性反應 - false negative reaction

n.革蘭氏陰性細胞內雙球菌 - gram negative intracellular diplococci

高度負干涉 - high negative interference

n.印度墨汁負染色法 - indiaind negative stain

間歇性正負壓呼吸法 - intermittent positive negative pressure

n.間歇性正負壓呼吸 - intermittent positive negative pressure breathing

間歇性正負壓換氣法 - intermittent positive negative pressure ventilation

n.細胞內負電壓 - intracellular negative potential

n.正負壓呼吸 - positive negative pressure breathing

正負壓呼吸 - positive negative pressure respiration

n.正負壓通氣 - positive negative pressure ventilation

n.指令信號後負變化 - postimperative negative variation

n.反應陰性吸收陽性 - reaction negative absoption positive

n.反應陰性呼收陽性 - reaction negative absorption positive

n.血清反應陰性的 - serologically negative

n.真陰性 - true negative

尿蛋白質糖尿病 - urinary protein negative diabetes

依靠糖尿病 - urinary protein negative non insurine dependency


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