shatteringly['ʃætə]adv.shatter的變形vt. 把…打碎(或碾碎);使粉碎: 例句:to shatter something into powder把某物碾成粉末破壞,損壞,毀壞: 例句:to shatter the door打壞門損害,損傷(神經、健康等): 例句:to shatter one's health損害健康削弱;駁斥: 例句:to shatter one's faith動搖信念使心煩意亂;使震驚: 例句:What he said made her shatter.他說的話令她心煩意亂。[英國口語]使筋疲力盡,使極度虛弱: 例句:to shatter oneself working幹活幹得筋疲力盡[廢語]使散落,使落下vi. 被打碎;破裂: 例句:The mirror shattered when he robbed it.他在搶奪鏡子時,把它打得粉碎。被損壞,被毀壞: 例句:the car that shatters被撞毀的汽車變虛弱;變空虛: 例句:to be shattered感到十分虛弱脫落: 例句:I'm old,my hair almost shattered out.我老了,我的頭髮差不多快掉光了。啪嗒啪嗒作響: 例句:The typewriter was shattering continously.打字機啪嗒啪嗒響個不停。n. 破碎,粉碎[常用複數]碎片,碎塊損壞,毀壞(過早)落花;落葉;落粒(一陣)噴灑,迸濺
1.Heavy Metal also derived from the shatteringly loud blues-rock and psychedelia of the late '60s. 重金屬也起源於60年代後期喧嘩嘈雜的布魯斯搖滾和迷幻樂。
2.This is not an earth-shatteringly larger loss, but over a year losses could be in the region of
9. 5lb. 這不是一個震驚世界的數字,但如果堅持一年可以減輕9。5磅左右。
3.The Asian growth promise is not a shatteringly recent phenomenon and it has attracted the engineering sector as well as the construction and energy companies that those engineers service. 致力於亞洲增長並不是一個突如其來的新現象,除了工程業以外,還吸引了該行業工程師為之服務的建築和能源業。