dduabbr. [軍]數字顯示器(Digital Display Unit);未完稅交貨(Deliverde Duty Unpaid)
DDU day day up;未完稅交貨(……指定目的地);未完稅交貨;Delivery Duties Unpaid;DDU delivered duty unpaid 目的地約定地點交貨(未完稅)價;未繳付遞送貨物稅款;貨 交 入 口 國 家 不 連 稅;未完稅交貨(……指定目的地);SONY DDU-1615 索尼DDU-1615;DDP DDU DES DAF 貿易術語;DDU delivered duty unpaid 未完稅交貨(指定目的地);未完稅交偵;
1.If the parties wish the buyer to bear all risks and costs of the import, the DDU term should be used. 若當事方希望買方承擔進口的風險和費用,則應使用DDU術語。
2.FES assists exporting customers who sign DDU or DDP contract in arranging international transportation and overseas customs declaration. 幫助已簽定DDU或DDP合同的出口客戶提供國際運輸與目的港報關送貨服務等。
3.Perfect in the United States has its own network of agents, could provide the United States at the doors of all inland points (DDU / DDU) service! 在美國有自己完善的代理網絡,可提供美國各個內陸點的門點(DDU/DDU)服務!!