ibaabbr. 英國獨立廣播機構(Independent Broadcasting Authority);國際律師協會(International Bar Association);(美國)獨立銀行家協會(Independent Bankers ' Association)
IBA 吲哚丁酸;異丁醇;國際律師協會;吲哚丁酸鉀;Hank Iba 漢克-伊巴;iba kasihan 憐憫,可憐,同情;iba hati 同情,可鄰;IBA - 英國獨立廣播管理委員會;國際銀行家協會;
1.The Data Collection is a critical part of this process in order to fully utilize the IBA platform. 「數據收集」是互動行為廣告平台的關鍵環節。
2.However, there was no significant variation in height growth of cutlings due to IBA treatments in rooting. 但是,在所有經IBA處理生長的植株在高生長上沒有顯著的差異。
3.Shoot regenerated from leaves of sweet cherry variety Dilemma in vitro on the media WPM or NN69 supplemented with cytokinin BA and auxin IAA, NAA or IBA. 在基本培養基NN69或WPM上附加BA和低濃度的NAA,IAA,IBA作培養基,誘導甜櫻桃品種吉列瑪試管苗的葉片產生了不定梢。