recolonize[ri:'kɔlənaiz]vt. 再度移民到…;開拓殖民地
recolonize 開拓殖民地;recolonization recolonize 開拓殖民地;
1.It serves, they say, as a reservoir of beneficial microbes which can recolonize the gut after it's emptied by diseases such as cholera or dysentery. 他們說它像一個有益菌的蓄水池那樣工作著,當被像霍亂和痢疾之類的疾病耗盡之後能夠再重新遷移到腸道中去。
2.Jabbing the air with a walking stick and flanked by aides and bodyguards, Bashir called the court's decision a conspiracy designed to recolonize his country. 身側簇擁大量助手和保鏢,將枴杖指向天空,巴希爾宣稱法院的決定是將蘇丹再次變為殖民地的陰謀。
3.Maintaining Britain is trying to recolonize Zimbabwe, Mr. Mugabe said he has sent a letter to Mr. Tsvangirai inviting him to be sworn in as prime minister in an inclusive government. 他說,他已發函給茨萬吉拉伊,邀請他宣誓就任包含各黨的津巴布韋政府的總理。