n. causerie ,gab ,gabfest ,gossipv. confab ,confabulate ,gossip ,jaw
chitchats['tʃittʃæt]n. 聊天;閒談vi. 閒談
1.Zhang sees two people young weak, then the driving gang young girl pays money, finds an excuse chitchats the understanding with the young girl. 張某見兩人年幼可欺,便主動幫少女付錢,藉故與少女攀談認識。
2.That was where ball games were played among kids of the many families-myself included, of course-and where the housewives engaged in chitchats across their iron grilles. 除了小孩們(當然也包括筆者)把走廊當球場的嘻笑玩鬧,還有主婦們隔著鐵門的閒話家常。
3.With the closest friends, anything can be said and talked no matter chitchats or secrets; with the unfamiliar places, we can run anywhere amok in any ways with our own plan and hands. 因為是最好的朋友,才可以天南地北的聊,無論是閒言閒語還是心事秘密;因為是不熟悉的地方,才可以事前安排和互相幫忙,然後毫無顧慮地四處亂闖。