femoral['femərəl]adj. 股骨的;大腿的;大腿骨的
femoral 股骨的;大腿骨的;大腿的;股的;Femoral Vein 股靜脈;股靜脈;釋義:股靜脈;femoral ring 腿環;股環;釋義:股環,腿輪;femoral hernia 股疝;股疝氣;釋義:股疝;femoral triangle 股三角;釋義:股三角;
1.Proximal femoral replacement is an option for the treatment of severe proximal femoral bone loss. 股骨近端置換對於嚴重的股骨近端骨丟失是治療上的一種選擇。
2.Adipose to preventing abdomen and femoral accumulation, and the prolapse that prevents hip has the effect very much. 對於防止腹部與大腿的脂肪堆積,以及預防臀部的下垂都很有效果。
3.Objective To study the development of the cartilage of femoral head after acetabulum fracture, and the connection of osteoarthritis and osteonecrosis of femoral head. 目的:本文研究髖臼骨折後股骨頭軟骨的變化,探討髖臼骨折後骨性關節炎及股骨頭壞死的發生情況。
human femoral artery - 人體股動脈
artificial femoral head arthroplasty - 人工股骨頭成形術
reducible femoral hernia - 可復性股疝
right femoral artery - 右側股動脈
incarcerated femoral hernia - 嵌頓性股疝
ischemic necrosis of femoral head of adult - 成人股骨頭缺血性壞死
femoral triangle; scarpas triangle - 斯卡帕氏三角
medial circumflex femoral circumflex artery - 旋股內側動脈
lateral circumflex femoral veins; venae circumflexae femoris laterales - 旋股外側靜脈
femoral triangle; trigonum femorale - 股三角
femoral plexs; plexus femoralis - 股叢
rupture of femoral biceps - 股二頭肌斷裂
medial femoral superficial vein; vena superficialis femoris medialis - 股內側淺靜脈
arteria femoralis; femoral artery - 股動脈
femoral arteriotomy - 股動脈剖開術
femoral arteriography - 股動脈造影
femoral reflex - 股反射
lateral femoral superficial vein; vena superficialis femoris lateralis - 股外側淺靜脈
superficial femoral artery - 股淺動脈
superficial femoral vein; vena superficialis femoris - 股淺靜脈
artria profunda femoris; deep femoral artery - 股深動脈
deep femoral vein; vena profunda femoris - 股深靜脈
anulus femoralis; femoral ring - 股環
femoral septum; septum femorale - 股環隔
femoral hernia - 股疝
femoral herniorrhaphy; repair of femoral hernia - 股疝修補術
femoral nerve; nervus femoralis - 股神經
femoral nerve injury - 股神經損傷
femoral nerve stretching test - 股神經牽拉試驗
femoral nerve graft - 股神經移植術
neurorrhaphy of femoral nerve - 股神經縫合術
femoral nerve block anesthesia - 股神經阻滯麻醉
femoral vein; vena femoralis - 股靜脈
femoral venous puncture - 股靜脈穿刺
femoral thrombonphlebitis - 股靜脈血栓靜脈炎
sheath of femoral vein - 股靜脈鞘
crural sheath; femoral sheath - 股鞘
slipping of upper femoral epiphysis - 股骨上端骨骺滑脫移位
collapse of femoral head - 股骨頭塌陷
ischemic necrosis of femoral head - 股骨頭缺血性壞死
avascular chondronecrosis of femoral head - 股骨頭軟骨無血管性壞死
epiphysiolysis of femoral head - 股骨頭骨骺分離
fracture of femoral shaft - 股骨幹骨折
internal fixation of fracture of femoral shaft - 股骨幹骨折內固定術
small splintage of femoral shaft fracture - 股骨幹骨折小夾板固定術
femoral screw - 股骨螺釘
femoral neck fracture instruments set - 股骨頸骨折手術器械包
femoral fracture - 股骨骨折
femoral epiphysiolysis - 股骨骨骺分離
fracture of femoral condyle - 股骨髁骨折
n.人工股骨頭成形術 - artificial femoral head arthroplasty
n.股骨頭軟骨無血管性壞死 - avascular chondronecrosis of femoral head
n.股骨頭塌陷 - collapse of femoral head
n.股深動脈 - deep femoral artery
n.股深靜脈 - deep femoral vein
n.股骨頭骨骺分離 - epiphysiolysis of femoral head
n.股骨髁骨折 - fracture of femoral condyle
n.股骨幹骨折 - fracture of femoral shaft
n.人體股動脈 - human femoral artery
股骨端部自發環死 - idiopathic necrosis of femoral head
n.嵌頓性股疝 - incarcerated femoral hernia
n.股骨幹骨折內固定術 - internal fixation of fracture of femoral shaft
n.股骨頭缺血性壞死 - ischemic necrosis of femoral head
n.成人股骨頭缺血性壞死 - ischemic necrosis of femoral head of adult
旋股外側動脈 - lateral circumflex femoral artery
旋股外側靜脈 - lateral circumflex femoral vein
n.旋股外側靜脈 - lateral circumflex femoral veins
旋股外側動脈 - lateral femoral circumflex artery
大腿外側皮神經阻滯 - lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block
n.股外側淺靜脈 - lateral femoral superficial vein
內側旋股動脈 - medial circumflex femoral artery
n.旋股內側動脈 - medial circumflex femoral circumflex artery
n.股內側淺靜脈 - medial femoral superficial vein
旋股內側靜脈 - medical circumflex femoral vein
n.股神經縫合術 - neurorrhaphy of femoral nerve
股後皮神經 - posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
n.可復性股疝 - reducible femoral hernia
n.股疝修補術 - repair of femoral hernia
n.右側股動脈 - right femoral artery
n.股二頭肌斷裂 - rupture of femoral biceps
n.股靜脈鞘 - sheath of femoral vein
股骨頭骺鬆脫,股骨首骺脫位 - slipped femoral capital epiphysis
n.股骨上端骨骺滑脫移位 - slipping of upper femoral epiphysis
n.股骨幹骨折小夾板固定術 - small splintage of femoral shaft fracture
n.股淺動脈 - superficial femoral artery
n.股淺靜脈 - superficial femoral vein