floors[flɔ:z]n. 地板;樓層;層數(floor的複數);樓地面
Floors 樓地面;地板;利率下限選擇權;非金屬地板;Dark Floors 黑色地板;Fearsome Floors 恐怖迴廊;凶煞迴廊;恐怖樓層;恐怖迴廊;Sports floors 運動地板;Dream Floors 美好地板;
1.Of walls and floors, … another home than this? 新的牆壁和地板——家以外另一個家?
2.Working floors must be kept clear of obstructions and loose grit. 作業地面必須隨時清除障礙物和鬆散的粗砂。
3.Empty your bathroom garbage can and use it as a bucket when you wash your bathroom and hardwood floors. 兩用垃圾箱既可以用來清空浴室垃圾,也可在清洗浴室和硬木地板時充當水桶。
This man always has clean floors and wet feet. - 這個男人常常弄濕了腳刷洗地板。
The parquet floors shone like mirrors; highly polished silver was displayed in gleaming glass cabinets; even my uncle's huge collection of books was kept miraculously free from dust. - 鑲木地板潔如明鏡,擦得發亮的銀器陳列在明亮的玻璃櫃裡,連姑夫的大量藏書也保存得很好,奇跡般地一塵不染。
There are eighteen floors in the building, and he lives on the fifteenth floor. - 這幢大樓有18層。他住在第15層。