





n. excitation ,firing ,inflaming ,redness


inflammation[,inflə'meiʃən]n. 炎症;發炎;燃燒;發火


inflammation 炎症;發火;著火;點火;immune inflammation 免疫性炎;reactive inflammation 反應性炎;hemorrhagic inflammation 出血性炎症;出血性炎;出血性發炎,出血性炎症;fibrinous inflammation 纖維素性炎症;性炎症;纖維蛋白性炎;


1.Inflammation of bone and bone marrow. '骨髓炎'。''骨和骨髓的炎症。

2.Battier has not played yet this season because of inflammation in his left foot. 巴蒂爾因為他左腳的炎症本賽季還沒有參加過一場比賽。

3.Sometimes, ingredients cause temporary inflammation that makes your face look better, temporarily. 有時候,暫時的因素造成發炎,使你的臉好看,暫時的。


inflammation of upper respiratory tract - 上呼吸道炎

inflammation of the throat; sore throat - 喉痺

inflammation of the throat - 喉痺閉

inflammation of external auditory canal; otitis external - 外耳道炎症

inflammation reaction theory - 炎症反應學說

inflammation of connective tissue - 結締組織炎

inflammation of connective tissue - 結締組織炎症

inflammation of external auditory meatus - 耳瘡

inflammation in the hepato-biliary system - 肝膽系統炎症

inflammation of biliary tract - 膽道炎症

inflammation of pancreatic islet - 胰島炎

erysipelas of the face; pyogenic inflammation of cheeks - 蝦蟆瘟


急性水皰炎 - acute bullous inflammation

急性滲出性炎,急性滲出性炎症 - acute exudative inflammation

急性纖維素性炎,急性纖維蛋白性炎 - acute fibrinous inflammation

急性出血性炎症,急性出血性炎 - acute hemorrhagic inflammation

n.急性炎 - acute inflammation

急性漿液性炎,急性漿液性炎症 - acute serous inflammation

急性化膿性炎症 - acute suppurative inflammation

急性上氣道炎 - acute upper respiratory inflammation

粘連性炎症 - adhesive inflammation

n.變應性炎症 - allergic inflammation

n.變質性炎 - alterative inflammation

羊膜炎 - amniotic inflammation

n.吻合口炎 - anastomaotic inflammation

肛門炎 - anus inflammation

n.上行性炎 - ascending inflammation

萎縮性炎症 - atrophic inflammation

航空性中耳炎 - aviation middle ear inflammation

鈣化肉芽腫性炎 - calcified granulomatous inflammation

n.卡他性炎 - catarrhal inflammation

n.化學性炎 - chemical inflammation

慢性乳房炎 - chronic breast inflammation

n.慢性炎 - chronic inflammation

n.慢性盆腔炎 - chronic ipelvic inflammation

n.慢性非特異性炎症 - chronic nonspecific inflammation

n.變性性炎 - degenerative inflammation

n.滲出性炎 - exudative inflammation

侵出性炎症圖像 - exudative inflammation image

纖維膿性 - fibrinopurulent inflammation

n.纖維素性炎 - fibrinous inflammation

壞疽性炎 - gangrenous inflammation

肉芽腫性炎症 - granulomatous inflammation

n.出血性炎症 - hemorrhagic inflammation

疝炎症 - hernial inflammation

增生性炎症 - hyperplastic inflammation

增生性炎症 - hypertrophic inflammation

n.間質性炎症 - interstitial inflammation

n.眶內炎症 - intraorbital inflammation

n.機械性炎症 - mechanical inflammation

枝三稀菌素 - mycotic endogenous intraocular inflammation

壞死性炎 - necrotic inflammation

壞死性肉芽腫性炎 - necrotizing granulomatous inflammation

壞死性炎 - necrotizing inflammation

的牙原性炎症 - odontogenic inflammation of jaw

器質性炎症 - organizing inflammation

顎炎 - palatine inflammation

n.寄生性炎 - parasitic inflammation

n.變質性炎 - parenchymatous inflammation

n.盆腔炎 - pelvic inflammation

n.根尖周圍炎 - periapical inflammation

病灶周圍炎 - perifocal inflammation

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