第 121 部分英語對話,英文諺語 3120 句(一),英語第 121 部分對白,第 121 部分英文怎麽說



第 121 部分用英語怎麽說

英文諺語 3120 句(一)

第 121 部分

1 . Health does not consist with intemperance.健康和放縱,彼此不相容。

2 . He who would search for pearls must dive below(or deep).欲尋珍珠,須潛水下。

3 . He will always be a slave who knows not how to earn and save.不懂掙錢和積財,只能永遠當奴才。

4 . He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom.爬梯必須從底層開始。

5 . Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other.健康愉快,相生相成。

6 . Health and understanding are the two great blessing of life.健康和融洽是人生兩大幸事。

7 . He works best who knows his trade.內行的人做他的事一定會做得最好。

8 . Health is above wealth.健康勝於財富。

9 . He who wills success is half way to it.下定決心成功的人是成功了一半。

10 . He who would catch fish mush not mind getting wet.欲擒龍王,就得下海。

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英文諺語 3120 句(一)