甜言蜜語 - 額外成就感(四)
1 . Use your head.動動你的大腦。
2 . He is tough in doing everything.他不管做什麼事都很有毅力。
3 . I don't think he is cut out for the job.我認為他不適合做那份工作。
4 . He has the eye of a painter.他有畫家的鑒賞力。
5 . She has an eye for detail.她有鑒別細節的眼力。
6 . Sally and Michael seem to be cut out for each other.莎莉和邁克看起來很相配。
7 . She has a clear head.她頭腦清晰。
8 . She was a beauty in her day.她年輕的時候是個美人兒。