With All My Senses(其他不舒服的感覺)
1 . Watch out, it's dangerous.注意,危險啊!
2 . You make me feel terrible.你別嚇我了。
3 . I'm exhausted.我疲倦不堪。
4 . He's absorbed in his book.他全神貫注地讀書。
5 . He sweats with fear.他在冒著冷汗。
6 . They are hot tempered.他們肝火太盛。
7 . How embarrassing!多難為情啊!
8 . I'm thirsty. It's too hot and dry.我口渴了。天氣太熱太乾燥了。
9 . Ouch, that hurts!哎呦,好痛呀!
10 . God! It's a hard stuff.唔!這傢伙是個硬骨頭。
11 . I expected it to be sweet.我原以為是甜的。