1 . 2025一個善舉都會決定我們未來的重生。An act of kindness will determine our future.
2 . 我們像花樣滑冰似的,反覆穿梭於過去的生命 軌跡上。We cross and re-cross our old tracks like figure skaters.
3 . 為什麼我們會一遍又一遍的范同樣的錯誤?Why we keep making the same mistakes,over and over?
4 . 一本讀了一半的書就像是一段走到半路的戀情。A half finished book is a half finished love affair.
5 . 我想像中的天堂,是打開一扇門,他在門後等我。I imagine paradise, open a door, the door waiting for me.
6 . 你必須去做你不能做的。You have to do whatever you can t not do.
7 . 弱肉強食。The weak are meat and the strong do eat.
8 . 人人為我,我為人人。All for one and one for all.
9 . 讓他們付出代價。Make them pay.
10 . 2025我相信你有改變這個世界的能力。I believe you have the power to change the world.
11 . 你掉下去,我抓住你。You fall,I catch you.
12 . 我們各自的人生和各種選擇,每每產生交集,引發出一個全新的可能。Our lives and our choices each encounter suggests a new potantial direction.
13 . 真相只有一個,其他的「版本」都不算真相。The truth is only one, the other "version" is not the truth.
14 . 2025一個人的命運會逆轉的如此之快,如此之徹底,這難道不是奇跡嗎?A person s fate will be reversed so quickly, so completely, Is it not a miracle?
15 . 我們必須戰鬥,甚至做出必要的犧牲,用真相去教育人民。We must all fight, even if with necessary die, to teach people the truth.
16 . 我先看見你,是冥冥之中注定的。I ll see you somewhere destined.
17 . 我不會讓你失望 的。We ll not gonna let you down.
18 . 你想要的和我想要的沒什麼不同。What you want is no different from what I want.
19 . 我們生命的不朽性質在於我們言語和行為的結果。The immortal nature of our lives is that the results of our speech and behavior.
20 . 為什麼越是需要語言的時候,語言越會是從我們嘴邊溜走。Why the more we need the language, the more languages will slip from our lips.
21 . 2025存在就是被感知,只有通過別人的眼睛,才能真正地瞭解自己。There is to be perceived only through the eyes of others, in order to truly understand their own.
22 . 所謂的評論家就是讀起書來一目十行、趾高氣昂,卻從不用心的人。The so-called critics is read from the book to Yimushihang airs, but never hard.
23 . 從那一刻起,沒有回頭路可走了。That from this point on,there was no going back.
24 . 你必須做你不能做的事。You have to do,whatever you can t not do.
25 . 你這樣的人永遠不會。Your kind never does.
26 . 真不願就那樣離開你,完全不是我想像中的告別。Hate on the way to leave you completely not what I imagined farewell.
27 . 我才不怕這些思想,因為我不怕真相。I am not afraid of such thouts,because I do not fear the truth.
28 . 對在那裡等著的可怕的事情全然無知。Oblivious towards the unspeakable forms lying anf waiting.
29 . 沒有更好的選擇,不是嗎?There is no good choice here,is there?
30 . 被看到才能稱之為存在。To be is to be perceived.
31 . 真相只有一種,它的其他版本都不是真相。Truth is singular, it s versions are mistruths.
32 . 我相信死亡只是一扇門,當它關閉時,另一扇就會打開。I believe death is only a door, when it closes, another opens.
33 . 弱者為肉,強者饕餮。Weak as meat strong gluttonous.
34 . 你覺得有人會聽到你的祈禱,然後從天而降?You think someone will gonna hear your prayer,come down from the sky?
35 . 生存總是需要一些勇氣。Survival often demands some courage.