PPPabbr. 點對點通訊協定(Point - to - Point Protocol);端對端協議(Peer-Peer Protocol)
PPP 購買力平價;點對點協議;開始點到點的連接協議;Point-to-Point Protocol;Multilink PPP 多鏈路PPP;多重鏈路點對點協議;PPP IETF 點對點協議;PPP PeakPulsePower 峰值脈衝功率;Softick PPP 及其驅動;
1.PPP is more robust than HDLC because it provides a mechanism for authentication and negotiation of compatible link and protocol configuration. PPP比HDLC更為實用,因為它提供了一個機制,作為兼容鏈路及協定組態的驗證和協商之用。
2.In real-time GPS precise point positioning (PPP), real-time and reliable satellite clock bias (SCB) prediction is a key to implement real-time GPS PPP. 在GPS實時精密單點定位中,衛星鍾差的實時可靠預報是實現GPS實時高精度單點定位的關鍵之一。
3.PPP, rather than market exchange rates, is regarded as a better measure of the relative cost of living, since it is based on goods and services households can buy with their domestic currency. 購買力平價——而非市場匯率——被視為衡量相對生活成本的更好尺度,因為它的衡量基礎是各個家庭用本國貨幣所能購買的商品和服務。