SIDSabbr. 嬰兒猝死綜合症(sudden infant death syndrome)
SIDS 突然性嬰兒死亡症;Sudden Infant death Syndronse;小型發展中島國;Small Island Developing States;SIDS - 嬰兒猝死綜合症;By my sids 在我身邊;SIDS Standard Instrument Departures 標準儀表離場;IMA-SIDS 印度洋地中海大西洋小島國;
1.No smoking: It has been linked to SIDS. 不能抽煙:它同嬰兒猝死綜合症有關。
2.You know, I had read about SIDS, but that wasn't going to happen to me. 我曾經讀過有關嬰兒突發性死亡綜合症的文字,可我從沒想到它會發生在自己身上。
3.Sandwich the cooked pork into the lotus root clip, dust with cornflour on both sids of the clip. Add 1/2 tsp of corn oil in the pan, shallow-fry the sandwich until cooked and serve. 將已煎的脢頭瘦肉夾於蓮藕夾中間,然後兩面沾上生粉,再下1/2茶匙粟米油以慢火將蓮藕夾煎熟即成。