Nujiang 怒江;怒江州;怒江僳僳族自治州;Nujiang Zhou 怒江州;Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture 怒江州;怒江僳僳族自治州;Nujiang Lisuzu Zizhi-zhou 怒江僳僳族自治州;
1.Bingzhongluo is the north end of Nujiang state, also the highest, vulnerable area. 丙中洛是怒江州最北端,也是海拔最高、最偏遠小鎮。生態脆弱環境容量有限。
2.Feasibility studies will be made if there is a need to divert water from Lancang and Nujiang rivers in the future. 大西線南水北調只是設想,將來需要從瀾滄江、怒江等調水時,另做可行性報告。
3.The development of the molasses deposits in the Jingzhushan Formation has provided a convincing orogenic evidence of the Bangong Lake-Nujiang suture zone. 竟柱山組磨拉石沉積的發育,是班公湖-怒江縫合帶造山運動的證據。