nulliparous[nʌ'lipərəs, nə-]adj. 未生育過的
nulliparous 未生育者的;未經產的;釋義:未經產的;nulliparous cow 未產母牛;tubal insufflation acorn for nulliparous cervix 釋義:未經產的子宮頸用輸卵管通氣插入頭;
1.With the increase of the dose of FSH, the number of CL and viable embryos in parous and nulliparous donors increased significantly(P<0. 結果表明,FSH劑量對供體超排效果有顯著影響,隨FSH劑量的增加,育成羊的黃體數極顯著增多,經產羊的可用胚數顯著增加;國產和進口激素對超排效果影響不顯著(P>0。
2.This trial enrolled 102 nulliparous women at 36 to 41 weeks gestation with a singleton, cephalic-presenting fetus and ruptured membranes without evidence of labor. 這項試驗登錄了102 名36 到41 個星期懷孕、從未生育過的婦女,她們懷有單胞胎、且胎兒呈現頭部生產位置,且羊膜破裂而無分娩的跡象。
3.Early menarche, late menopause, or late 1st pregnancy increases risk. Women who have a 1st pregnancy after age 30 are at higher risk than those who are nulliparous. 初潮早,停經晚,或首次妊娠晚,均可增加癌症危險。30歲後懷第一胎的婦女,其危險性要高於未產婦。