NLPabbr. 美國街坊貸款計劃(neighborhood loan program);神經語言學(Neuro Linguistic Program)
NLP 神經語言程式學;自然語言處理;Natural Language Processing;神經語言程序學;NLP Quotient 身心智能;NLP Presupppositions 前題假設;NLP word 信息詞;NLP Presupposition NLP的概念及原理;
1.The representation and application of semantic knowledge is an important factor for Natural Language Processing (NLP). 語義知識的表示和使用是自然語言處理的重要方面。
2.Several common problems of Bioinformatics and NLP and their solutions are introduced in this paper, such as alignment, classification and prediction problems. 本文介紹了自然語言處理和生物信息學中共有的問題,如比對、分類、預測等,以及這些問題的解決方法。
3.Upon completion of
6. 864, students will be able to explain and apply fundamental algorithms and techniques in the area of natural language processing (NLP). In particular, students will. 修習過6。864課程後,學生將具備在自然語言處理(NLP)領域中,能夠解釋和使用一些基本演算法及技術的能力。尤其是下列的幾項。