step-out['stepaut]n. (石油)擴邊井(尤指籃球等)步出,出界
step-out relay 失調繼電器;step-out drilling 探邊鑽井;step-out time analysis 時差分析;step-out locking circuit 失步鎮定電路;high eed step-out relay 高速失步繼電器;
1.How to weaken step-out barrier includes some policy choices as follows:the appropriate arrangement of unemployed workers; 強化退出障礙的政策選擇包括 :政府積極推動 ;妥善安排下崗職工 ;
2.Over the past 44 years, Shandong gymnastics is the cause of generation after generation in the efforts of Shandong gymnastics, step-by-step, out of the solid. 四十多年來,山東體操事業是在一代代山東體操人的努力下,一步一個腳印、扎扎實實地走出來的。
3.The second game 4-2 hit the Chinese team leader, Wei Chuan Zhou Suhong to the Moon a second-ball adjustment, Zhou Suhong quickly on a step-by-step man out scoring. 第二局比賽打到4-2中國隊領先時,魏秋月給周蘇紅傳了一個二號位的調整球,周蘇紅迅速上步一個打手出界得分。