vrmlabbr. 虛擬實境標記語言(Virtual Reality Markup Language)
VRML 虛擬現實模型語言;Virtual Reality Modeling Language;虛擬現實建模語言;虛擬現實造型語言;VRML - 虛擬實境模擬語言;VRML VoiceRecognitionModule 語音識別模塊;VAG VRML Architecture Group 虛擬現實建模語言體系結構組;Landscape Visualization by VRML 用虛擬現實使景觀可視化;
1.This is all common VRML nodes use a detailed explanation, very helpful for beginners. 這是vrml中所有常用節點的用法詳細解釋,對於初學者很有幫助。
2.The simulation results in terms of three-dimension animation using VRML validate the effect of the method, which is helpful to study the practical tracking scheme for unmanned vehicles. 經VRML語言建立起的三維動畫仿真,驗證了該控制方法的正確性,為無人駕駛車輛軌跡跟蹤的實用控制方案提供了理論依據。
3.Other tools give greater importance to a dynamic visualization, like Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) browsers, but the rendering is not as nice as with image synthesis software. 其它軟件更注重於動態可視效果,就像虛擬現實建模語言(VRML)瀏覽器,但是渲染就不會像那些綜合圖像軟件所做出的效果。