VSG VIRGIN SUN GROWN;變速裝置;variable surface glycoprotein;復合安全玻璃;VSG VoiceStoreandForward 語音存儲轉發;VSG Variable Speed Governer 全程式調速器;VSG Vertical System Group 垂直系統組;VSG Variable Speed Governor 全程式調速器;
1.Each gene represents a VSG alternative—a different melody—for the protozoan to express. 每個基因代表著一種VSG,像是一條不同的旋律,讓這個原生動物產生不同的表現。
2.In this paper, the capacity of VSG-CDMA system with power control imperfections in the presence of multiplicate types of users is discussed. 該文研究分析了非理想功率控制下,多種類型用戶並存時VSG—CDMA系統的容量問題。
3.Navarro and Gull found that the transcriptional body of the parasite uses a less abundant type of enzyme called RNA polymerase I to read the VSG genes. 納瓦洛及高爾發現,這個寄生蟲的轉錄體用的是一種數量比較少的酵素型,稱為RNA聚合酶I,來讀取VSG的基因。