garth[ɡɑ:θ]n. 庭院;中庭;為捕魚而築的壩或堰
garth 內院;庭院;魚堰;小庭院,被圍住的地方;Garth Peterson 彼得森;卡斯·彼特森;Garth CUSICK 老顧;庫思克;Garth Shelton 謝爾頓;Garth Brook 加斯布魯克;
1.Here are two tickets for tonight's concert of Garth Brooks, the country-and-western music star. 這裡是兩張今晚尕詩。布魯克,鄉村和西部音樂之星,音樂會的票。
2.Garth Brooks will be back on stage for one night to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Academy of Country Music. 布魯克斯將重新回到舞台來領取過音樂學院頒發的終身成就獎。
3.I think you'll be satisfied with the quality of these designs, Mr. Garth. Would you like to go over to my office and take a look? 我想您一定會對這些設計的質量感到滿意,葛斯先生,您要不要到我的辦公室看一看?