during lunchtime 在午飯期間;午飯期間;在午飯時間;show up at lunchtime 在吃午飯時露面;Pile it on at lunchtime 午餐吃得豐盛些。;lunchtime 午餐時間;午餐時間圖片;Lunchtime Blues 午餐的悲哀;
1.When a carload of friends arrived at lunchtime, Mother invited them to share our meal and managed to give everyone a fair portion. 快吃午飯的時候,家裡來了一車朋友。媽媽留他們共進午餐,並想方設法公平地把食物分給每個人。
2.Taking regular lunchtime siestas could increase the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, according to research. 研究顯示,經常睡午覺會增加罹患二型糖尿病的危險。
3.He started early to the effect that he might get there by lunchtime. 他很早動身以便可以在午飯之前到達那裡。
4.They said an engineer would come before lunchtime. 他們說午飯前會有個工程師過來。
5.It was lunchtime and the only officer on duty was a fortyish black man with short, pressed hair, a pencil mustache, and a neatly pressed brown suit. 當時是午飯時間,唯一值班的職員是個四十來歲的黑人男子,頭髮又短又平,上唇的鬍子像鉛筆一樣直,一身棕色套裝熨得筆挺。